Causes Of Catalytic Converter failure

AutocatalystMarket is the most famous collector of scrap catalytic converters in the world. There are representatives in every region of the country. This makes the sale of any catalyst as easy and fast as possible. But is it possible to save the converter and prolong its lifetime? We will answer this question in this article. Reasons for catalytic converter failure Despite the fact that the average service life, stated by the manufacturers, is calculated for 100-150 thousand mileage, some car owners have this part served much longer. But it is rather an exception to the rule because in the majority of cases the catalysts fail earlier. The longevity of the converter depends on many factors. The main reasons why the life of a catalytic converter decreases are:

mechanical damage;frequent driving on roads of poor quality;too aggressive driving style;filling the car with low-quality fuel;use of leaded gasoline;frequent use of different additives for the fuel system;oil in the exhaust system;incorrect operation of the ignition system.

Mechanical damage and driving on bad roads The inner catalyst assembly is made of ceramic and is quite fragile. Vibration from driving on bad roads, hitting a rock on the catalytic converter body, hitting a curb, or other impacts on the body of the part can cause mechanical damage. Ceramics may also crack or crumble as a result of fuel detonation in the exhaust system. Whatever the cause of the mechanical damage, it will be necessary to immediately contact an automobile repair shop. If even the engine starts at such a failure, you can not drive the car. Due to the close proximity of the catalytic converter to the engine, splinters may enter the piston system. Filling with low-quality fuel The lower the fuel quality, the more soot is produced during engine operation. Accordingly, more microelements can be deposited on the walls of the catalytic converter ducts. The same effect is produced by the frequent use of fuel additives. Thus, the honeycomb becomes clogged faster, leading to a faster reduction in the exhaust system’s capacity. It is especially dangerous when oil gets into the fuel mixture. But the most harmful to the catalytic converter is the use of leaded gasoline. Its combustion process generates zinc. This element easily interacts with rare-earth metals of the platinum group and covers the catalytic layer as a film. As a result, the catalyst becomes unusable and needs to be replaced immediately. Incorrect operation of the ignition system When the ignition system is set incorrectly or there are skips in operation, the fuel burns out or detonates already in the exhaust pipe. Because of this, the temperature in the catalytic converter rises above the allowable 800-850 degrees. Under such conditions, the precious metal plating can melt.


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