Who Is Lance Naik Manju?

The name of the first woman skydiver is Lance Naik Manju who is now the 1st lady soldier skydiver of the Indian Army. She won this title on Tuesday, 15th November 2022 after she jumped from 10,000 feet. It is not easy to jump off and it is really a big achievement and the most daring thing to do. Lance made us proud and set an example for that woman who is scared of doing bold things as well as it is a good and crispy answer for those men of a patriarchal society who thinks women’s place only belongs in the kitchen.

Lance Naik Manju Becomes Indian Army’s First Woman Soldier Skydiver

Lance is trending all over the web and people want to know more about her and her achievement. She jumped off an Advanced Light Helicopter Dhruv chopper in order to perform the skydive that made a record. The Eastern Command of the Indian Army stated that “this bold and inspiring act will set a good example for other ladies in the army.” Ever since people heard about this achievement they want to know more and more information related to her. Her name is trending on social media and people are continuously talking about her.

Lance Naik Manju: Wikipedia & Bio

As per the reports, Lancy Naik Manju belongs to the Corps of Military Police. For this achievement or heroic jump, she took training from the skydiving training team of the Adventure Wing of the Indian Army. On finishing the skydive, Lance Naik Manu stated that “When the bird learnt to trust its wings, it defeated the skies.” The whole nation is proud of her and talks about her great achievement. It is not easy to create history but your hard work and determination made you a great and ideal achiever. Several young ladies are creating history and making the country proud in the Indian Army. Previously, Captain Abhilasha Barak made her name on the list of the most powerful ladies in India. They all are trending and their names are easily available to read online. Those who want to get the details of their personal lives need to wait.


DETAILS  Who Is Lance Naik Manju  Meet Indian Army s First Woman Soldier Skydiver  - 64DETAILS  Who Is Lance Naik Manju  Meet Indian Army s First Woman Soldier Skydiver  - 78DETAILS  Who Is Lance Naik Manju  Meet Indian Army s First Woman Soldier Skydiver  - 25DETAILS  Who Is Lance Naik Manju  Meet Indian Army s First Woman Soldier Skydiver  - 80