Giant Squid Cape Town

A spokesperson from the Cape of Good Hopes, SPCA, MR. Jon Freidman said that this was the first time that they saw such he squid. Although, squids used to get away from the waves and were found on the seashores of the city usually and many times before. But this one was a huge one with huge tentacles and a body. Friedman said that It was pleasing to watch that but there wasn’t much left till he arrived. He said that the eager fishers took some of his tentacles, beak, and eyes. He said that he spoke with the spectator and that the squid was sliced a bit from the bottom, as it might have hit some ships or rocks.

Giant Squid Cape Town Pics & Video

The family that encountered the squid at first was really amazed to see the size and how big it is. Ali Paulus said that she was startled to see it, and later embraced it. She also said that the squid was large enough to make a boy look smaller next to him. She said that I would have been startled if I was swimming and the Squid getting washed next to me. She also stated that the Squid has a cut from below and stated that she thought they might have had it from a nail or some sharp object. As soon as the SPCA came to know the news, they went to the shore and left the squid back in the water. Also, they collected some samples of the Squid as this Squid was unique and quite new to encounter. The samples will help the SPCA in determining the species and family tree of the Squid. The shore was then cleared and there was no sign of the incident occurred. Only this much information was given by the local news. There will be an update given later.


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