What Happened To Bartlomiej Dragowski?  

During the match, Bartlomiej was involved in a crash or an accident during which his ankle was twisted so badly that he was hurt. This incident occurred in Spezia’s series which was held in Verona this Sunday and the world cup is just getting started. During the match, the pater fell down and his ankle was twisted badly leading to an injury. Lips of Bartlomiej falling down and him getting severely injured or getting his ankle hurt was viral over the internet and this is the reason why many people are concerned for his well-being. Despite all this, the player is said to be fine by many of the sources or as per speculations.

Bartlomiej Dragowski Injury Details

Bartlomiej was in the world cup and he was in Poland’s squad for the Qatar tournament. He was in the match trying to tackle Kevin Lasagna and later the player was stretchered as well. During the clash, it was unclear if the player had anything to do with escaping the injury but it seemed serious. Later serval reports came up saying that the player might have gone through serious injuries if not saved on time, while it was also said by the Italian media that the player was saved on time and taken care of and that is the reason why the injury was not extended or it was not in a condition where it would have worsened.

How Did Bartlomiej Dragowski Got Injured?

In the match, it was seen that Bartlomiej’s leg was under Lasagna’s leg and the player was screaming in pain. His ankle was in pain and the player was later on consoled by his teammates and who helped him as well. The 25-year-old player was all set to travel to Qatar for the 26-man squad but maybe there will be a delay in this until now there has been no report about so. Spezia were 1-0 down when the player injured himself accidentally and the match had delay in it. The match was won by Spezia with the comeback of MBala Nzole and the match was eventually enjoyed as well with a 2-1 victory. The world cup is near and Poland will be aside from Saudi and Argentina. Jamie Carragher said that the world cup is in a place where it shouldn’t be, as in he explained that it is in a time where the players who wanted to be in the match and dreamt of it are now injured, he was speaking about Bortlomiej and his injury. While he also added that they are close to the world cup and an injury would not last for 190-12 days while it can be said that the players can be ready for the match within a week or so. The match is to be held in no time and being a football player can be tough for Bortlomiej can be tough amid his injury.


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